An overview of the background of the FLYTOP courses:

FLYTOP means: Flight Safety Training for Organisations and Pilots

  • FLYTOP is a training programme for accident prevention in air sports.
  • FLYTOP is based on findings about Human Competence.
  • Human Competence is a branch of the Human Factors in aviation.
  • Human Factors in Aviation recognizes human beings as key cause for and as key defense against accidents in aviation.

The FLYTOP course system uses findings from the Human Competence domain to prevent accidents in air sports.


FLYTOP courses last between 2 hours (FLYTOP-Basic) and 2.5 days (FLYTOP-Club and FLYTOP-Instructor).


FLYTOP courses are non-commercial.

In Switzerland and some states in Germany, costs are sponsored by the aviation parent organizations. Furthermore, different insurances have agreed to sponsoring.

Further information about the cost of different courses on request.


Former flight safety inspectors, speficically trained, experienced flight instructors and human competence experts act as FLYTOP trainers.

The FLYTOP development team consists of:

Chief Developers

Regina Ultsch, Marburg, accredited social pedagouge, psychosocial counselling, family counselling
Email: rultsch(at)

Prof. Dr. Alfred Ultsch, Marburg, flight instructor, trainer, human competence expert
Email: ultsch(at)

Ausbildungs-Trainer und Mitentwickler

Barbara Hofer, Switzerland
Email: barbara.d.hofer(at)

Herbert Lehner, former flight safety inspector, flight instructor
Email: herbert.a.lehner(at)